Answered by Dr. Murari. M.

Answered by Dr. Murari. M.

What could be the possible cause of asymmetrical posterior tonsil pillar?

Hello doctor,

I have a slightly asymmetrical posterior tonsil pillar on the right side. I do not have any other symptoms like pain, swelling, etc.

What could be the reason? Please help.

Thank you.

11 Nov 2023 - 1 min read

What is the treatment for twitching, congestion, and migraine?

Hi doctor,

I am a 64-year-old male. I have been experiencing the following symptoms:

Recently, a little muscle on the side of my chin started twitching several times a day.

  1. Seasonal allergies at the moment.

  2. Feeling my head heavy.

  3. Brain fog.

  4. Fell congested high in the nose (breathing not impaired).

  5. Soar throat.

  6. Tnnitus (since 26 years old) has increased slightly, mainly in the left ear and feels a little painful once in a while.

  7. Started having migraine with auras.

  8. Sometimes, an odor of something burning in the nose (I feel this each year during allergies season).

  9. Laundry detergents begin to smell unusual on clothes after a few hours.

  10. If I remove the clothes, the smell disappears, so the detergent (I tried various brands) seems to be the trigger).

  11. Recently, a little muscle on the side of my chin started twitching several times a day.

  12. I thought that I had a sinus infection, but the total of these symptoms worried me.

  13. I also have some nausea (but not in the stomach, more on the side of the neck (glandular nods, or something like this).

Kindly help.

11 Nov 2023 - 1 min read

What are the possible causes of sinus infection?

Hi doctor,

Could you look at a CT scan of my sinus? I need to know what is causing my sinus infection. Please help.


10 Nov 2023 - 1 min read

Is uvular squamous papilloma contagious and does it require surgery or is it self-resolving?

Hello doctor,

I have been told that I have a squamous papilloma on my uvula. I wonder whether surgery is the only modality of treatment, or can it likely resolve by itself? I have been assured that it is benign. But I am very scared of passing it on. I have a partner who knows about this however, I am scared that I might pass it on to her. Could you please give some clarity?

09 Nov 2023 - 1 min read

What is the reason for the painful stone in my throat that smells bad and has a thin wall over it?

Hello doctor,

I have been having the problem of getting something stuck in my throat for a long time and a bad smell was also coming from time to time sores, etc. For the last 6 months pain and the stone is also visible on one side but the stone is not visible on the other side it hurts more there and for a few days I have tried to press with a finger but there is a thin skin wall next to the tonsil and it is like a tumor and the pain is also there so is it any serious problem?

Kindly help.

08 Nov 2023 - 1 min read

Dr. Murari. M.
Otolaryngology (E.N.T)
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