I had light bleeding for 20 days, two months after unprotected sex. Could it be due to a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy?
Possible causes of symptoms in 3 mins

Q. Can prolonged periods occur due to miscarriage or hormonal imbalance?

Answered by  
Dr. Sanap Sneha Umrao
and medically reviewed by   iCliniq medical review  team.


Professional Bio:

Dr. Sanap Sneha Umrao completed her MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Jawahar Medical Foundation's Annasaheb Chudaman Patil Memorial Medical College in the year 2022. She is a dedicated Obstetri... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Oct 20, 2023
Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I have been having my periods for the past 20 days. I had physical activity two months ago. It was unprotected but just like a 40-sex thing with no sperm being released or not even felt to release, just inserted and taken out. I did not have my periods for two months, but it was a normal thing for me as I always had irregular periods missing for two to three months normally. I am young and do not want to be pregnant. I know I am not pregnant as I have been bleeding for 20 days. Light bleeding after two months of missing periods, brown to red but according to the Internet, it could be miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. According to me, it could be hormonal issues and I took three pregnancy tests out of which two came negative and in one there was a very very faint life which could be an evaporation line or hormonal imbalance. I want you to confirm it. Please help.

Answered by  Dr. Sanap Sneha Umrao


Welcome to icliniq.com

I read your query and understand your concern. According to your description, there is some possibility of miscarriage and a urine pregnancy test would not show you clear results at this stage so I would suggest doing a blood beta HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) test for clarification, though it was a pull-out method there could be a precum. So we cannot ignore this possibility, and there is also the possibility that this heavy menstruation could be because you got your periods after two months, and this is also not a normal thing. So if the pregnancy test is negative then you should do some tests to rule out any pathology. I hope this information helps you, feel free to ask further queries.

Thank you.

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