Hiv Infection

Infection caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is called the HIV infection. HIV damages the body's immune system, so the body is not able to fight off infections. HIV can get transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk.

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I had an exposure four days ago by a masseur after which I masturbated myself. I am concerned about the risk of HIV. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I have an exposure four days ago I went for a massage and the massager gave me a body massage then she touch my penis for 30 seconds and just masturbate it and then I did masturbate by myself assuming if masseur has blood in her hand as I see I have no cut wound on my penile skin and sh...  Read Full »

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. The chances of transmission of HIV by massage and hand job are nil unless there are bleeding wounds in the hand. It appears so in this scenario. There is no need to worry about HIV. Some STDs like herpes simplex virus can b...  Read Full »

Can I get an HIV infection due to touching the cut on my ear during a visit to the dentist, even after adequate sanitization?

Query: Hello doctor, I had a cut behind my ear during a recent visit to the dentist. The dentist touched my ear, not directly on the cut but higher up. Later when I returned home, about 45 minutes later, I used 95 percent alcohol on my fingers to clean the area the dentist touched. After sanitizing my fin...  Read Full »

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) cannot survive outside the human body or on any surfaces. In the scenario you described, it is not possible to transmit the HIV in such a way. Transmission of HIV requires direct and immedi...  Read Full »

I am HIV positive. How can I have a HIV negative baby?

Query: Hello doctor, We are a serodiscordant couple and we want our child. Please suggest to us what has to be done. I am an HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) positive man and my wife is HIV negative. I take my ART (Antiretroviral Treatment) medicine regularly. We want a healthy child without infecting my...  Read Full »

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You have three options. IVF (In Vitro fertilization) sperm washing, using post-exposure prophylaxis. First two are safe but very costly considering technique and your status. Last option is cheap but is a little bit risky and need compliance from your wife. Your wife ne...  Read Full »

Will pre-exposure prophylaxis be effective in vaginal sex?

Query: Hello doctor, I wanted to start taking pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. Will it be effective after seven days of taking it? I wanted to add an extra layer of protection. I will only be having vaginal sex. Please help.  Read Full »

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query and understood your concern. Pre-exposure prophylaxis is an additional layer of protection to prevent the transmission of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). It is known to be 99 % effective if taken properly. But it would be better to addi...  Read Full »

Do red spots on the penis and swollen lymph nodes mean HIV?

Query: Hello doctor, I had unprotected intercourse last month, and I recently noticed small red spots on the head of my penis. I applied an over-the-counter antifungal cream and had some relief. I checked my weight and noticed that I had lost four kilograms. My weight went down from 171.96 lbs to 163.62 Lb...  Read Full »

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read your query and understand your concern. The chances of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) transmission by unprotected intercourse once are very low. And if the other person is HIV-negative, there is no chance of transmission. I suggest you undergo an HIV antib...  Read Full »

Had unprotected sex, negative HIV tests. Still concerned?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 31-year-old male, and I am unmarried. Exactly two years ago, I had one unprotected sexual exposure with a friend whom I met via a dating application, and five months ago, I visited a spa for a body massage, which ended in a hand job. The therapist was female and fully clothed. I...  Read Full »

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can totally understand your anxiety, and it is very much normal. The fear of HIV is quite disturbing. HIV infection has a window period of 12 weeks, during which the test results can be false negatives. However, beyond 12 weeks of the last exposure, the result can be...  Read Full »

I have had body contact, but no penetration. Am I at risk for HIV or hepatitis?

Query: Hello doctor, I went for a massage recently, and there was some sexual contact, but there was no penetration. It was just body touching, and my penis rubbed against her breasts, but there was no insertion. After that, I got tested for HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C at 30, 60, 90, and 150 days af...  Read Full »

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your history and the reports attached (attachment removed to protect patient identity). I can totally understand your anxiety. After such risky exposures, most patients have continuous doubts about HIV and often end up extensively searching on Googl...  Read Full »

I had protected sex and have a fever and sore throat. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I recently have done sex with a massage girl in a parlor, it was the first time that I have done sex in my life. I am not married. The girl asked me to remove my clothes and she massaged me for a while. Then I kissed her in the mouth but for seconds only. Then licked her breasts and ni...  Read Full »

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thank you for the query. The chances of transmission of HIV by single-protected intercourse are almost nil if a condom is used properly. Symptoms are non-specific and can be due to any respiratory infection. Consult your doctor for examination and management. If it i...  Read Full »

I have white deposits after having sex. Is HIV causing this?

Query: Hi doctor, I had a sexual relationship with a stranger 14 days ago, then the condom was broken in the last few minutes, and I pushed my penis inside her. After three days, I started seeing my throat got white and illuminated, with small white points near my teeth and mouth from the inside, muscle p...  Read Full »

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. Your concern is regarding acquiring HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection after unprotected intercourse. The condom was broken during intercourse, and hence the chance of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) spread is definitely p...  Read Full »

Is the fourth-generation Duo rapid test reliable?

Query: Hi doctor, I had tested with a fourth-generation duo rapid test kit at home after eight years of sexual exposure with a female sex worker, and it came negative. The description of the test kit is written as follows:- common substances such as pain and fever medication and blood components may affect...  Read Full »

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The test result is perfectly fine. If you had exposure eight years ago, you are negative for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and more tests are indicated. None of your symptoms, medication, or blood components affects the HIV test result. This is a valid test res...  Read Full »

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