I have gut discomfort and bloating. What could cause it?
Possible causes of symptoms in 3 mins

Q. How to manage gut discomfort, bloating, and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome?

Answered by  
Dr. Vasavada Bhavin Bhupendra
and medically reviewed by   iCliniq medical review  team.


Professional Bio:

Dr. Vasavada Bhavin Bhupendra is a skilled Surgical Gastroenterologist and Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant Surgeon with 18 years of experience in liver surgery and transplantation. He is a membe... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Mar 07, 2023 and last reviewed on: Oct 12, 2023
Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have had an undiagnosed chronic condition for at least 27 years, having no success getting help. The symptoms are gut discomfort (inflammation), bloating, rheumatic stiffness, crackling of joints head to toe, and general malaise. However, I recently made an amazing and positive discovery: I have no symptoms if I set the alarm and use mouthwash before my normal wake-up time. I am extremely happy about this, but ultimately I would like a diagnosis and a permanent remedy. I have read on the internet that ectopic colonization of oral bacteria in the intestine drives TH1 cell induction and inflammation. It is not easy to get help where I live. I have to wait three months to see a gastro intestinal doctor. I would love to hear any suggestions from an expert. I would like to know if the average gastrointestinal doctor will know the condition.

Thank you very much.

Answered by  Dr. Vasavada Bhavin Bhupendra


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I understand your concern.

It would help if you were examined personally, but from your symptoms actually, you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. So I would suggest tablet Rifaximin 550 mg twice daily plus tablet Amitriptyline 10 mg with Esomeprazole and Levosulpiride combination twice daily empty stomach for 15 days and get back to me after 15 days. Consult a specialist doctor, talk to him or her and start the medicines with their consent.

I hope this helps.

Thank you.

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