I was fine up beat and may be little stressed before I started feeling like this. I had my children's birthday which are the day after each other and everything went to plan. I had intrusive thoughts for the first time when I was 12 years old. I struggled it off and I was fine untill I had my second child and almost instantly I started to have intrusive thoughts. I feel like I have been going out of my mind. I have intrusive thoughts that will not go away. I have constantly analysed the thoughts and tried to get them out of my head.
I am waiting to speak to a therapist tomorrow. My doctor has prescribed me sertraline. I took it for 9 days. This time is now 3 years later and it is worse than ever before. I now feel like I am in a coma, I have no feeling emotionally I feel I am living in another world and I cant participate. I have 2 young children whom my heart would burst everytime I looked at them and now nothing. The only feeling I have it one of frustration please help me im begging.