Will my stomach pain affect the urge to masturbate?
Possible causes of symptoms in 3 mins

Q. Is my stomach pain affecting the urge to masturbate?

Answered by  
Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui
and medically reviewed by   iCliniq medical review  team.


Professional Bio: Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui is a Psychiatrist with 16 years of clinical experience. He is specialized in Sexology and Psychotherapy. He completed his MBBS from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashi... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Jun 12, 2022 and last reviewed on: Oct 12, 2023
Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I want to understand my problem and want medicine for it. I have stomach problems and masturbation issues. I was doing masturbation every day, but for the last few months, I lost interest. I know that it is somehow connected to my stomach problem because when I eat antibiotics for a stomach infection, I get a full mood and interest, and everything is normal.

I have symptoms like less appetite, loss of taste, a feeling of stomach weakness, and low mood. The stool is normal if I eat Ispaghula husk; otherwise little sticky, and I have to push the bowel. No diarrhea or constipation. Currently, only antibiotics for stomach infections are highly effective and completely fix all symptoms, and I get full mood and interest back.

Please help, doctor.

Thank you.

Answered by  Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui


Welcome to icliniq.com.

First, I would like to tell you that it is not advised to take antibiotics regularly for long without any significant issues. You have symptoms like epigastric distress, feeling of incomplete evacuation, sticky stools, stomach weakness, etc. These are coupled with libido, too, in your case. Though more detailed history is needed, based on the symptoms you mentioned, it appears that these are symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. This can be appropriately treated. Avoid taking antibiotics regularly. Once your symptoms are gone, you will feel better sexually too. Have probiotics regularly. Take plenty of fiber and foods like curd. Avoid excessive fats.

Thank you.

Patient's Query
Answered by  Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui
# Hi again

You can think of taking herbal supplements like Tentex Forte or similar drug which can help in improving libido. The tablet should be taken twice a day for at least 6-8 weeks and you will see improvement.


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