Common "Lymph Node Enlargement" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Lymph Node Enlargement

Lymph nodes drain the lymphatic fluid and offer protection. Any infection causes lymph node enlargement or lymphadenopathy. They become palpable and tender during an infection. It is usually accompanied by fever, cold, night sweats, etc. Based on the site of infection, the lymph nodes pertaining to the area swell. Hard and fixed nodes are a sign of malignancy. Leukemia and lymphoma are malignancies involving the lymphatic system.

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I underwent the HRCT of the temporal bone because of enlarged lymph nodes. What do my reports suggest?

Query: Hi doctor, I just underwent an HRCT of the temporal bone, because I had a lump under my neck. I consulted an eye, ear, and throat (ENT) doctor, and he suggested to do HRCT of the temporal bone. No impressions were seen. I am worried about whether I need to do a separate scan or something, or does t...  Read Full »

Dr. Murari. M.

Answer: Hi, Glad to hear from you. I am here to answer all your questions. Thanks for providing the images and report (images are removed for patients identity). Reassuringly, the scan seems to be normal, with no ear disorders. The visualized parts of the brain and inner ear are normal, with no growth, tumo...  Read Full »

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