Common "Oral Sex" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Oral Sex

We all know that there is no risk of pregnancy from oral sex, but not many are aware that it can result in sexually transmitted infections or diseases, including HIV. Skin to skin contact with genitals or vaginal or penile secretions can spread infections. Apart from HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HPV can also spread through oral sex.

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I had oral sex with a man, and deepthroated penis quite several times, even vomited and now my throat hurts when I swallow food, water, sputum, etc. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I had oral sex with a man, and deepthroated penis quite several times, and even vomited. This happened the day before yesterday. Today morning, I found that the left side of my throat hurts when I swallow food, water, or sputum, and a bit of constant dryness. Is it something serious, or...  Read Full »

Dr. Murari. M.

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. There is nothing to worry too much about. This seems to be minor trauma to the throat following oral sex, which is quite common and should get back to normal in a few days. However, I hope that you are taking all due precautions to preve...  Read Full »

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