How do I manage frequent bowel movements and gas issues?
Possible causes of symptoms in 3 mins

Q. What could be the reason for frequent bowel movements up to four to five times daily?

Answered by  
Dr. Noushif. M
and medically reviewed by   iCliniq medical review  team.


Professional Bio: Dr. Noushif. M is a General Surgeon with a specialty in surgical and medical Gastroenterology. He did his MBBS in 2006 and is a registered member of Travancore Cochin Medical Council, Trivandrum. He c... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Apr 08, 2023 and last reviewed on: Oct 12, 2023
Patient's Query

Hello doctor.

I have always had problems with bowel movements, as far as I can remember. It is not severe, but on a milder scale. However, four years ago, my bowel movement problems went from mild to moderate. I would go to the toilet first thing in the morning, and I always had a feeling of incompleteness when trying to clear up my bowels. I had to go to the restroom again and again to clear it. At least three to four times a day, I needed to go to the bathroom. Sometimes I have the sudden urge as well. But I never had any stomach pain. I took some ayurvedic medicine, probiotics, and supplements and tried a low FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) diet and tried avoiding dairy products, but nothing has ever worked out for me. The problem persists till now. Nowadays, I feel like gas builds up inside my stomach. If I control myself and do not go to the loo, the gasses continue to build up inside my stomach, and eventually, I have to go to the loo to release gasses and stools making loud noises. I can hear some grumbling sounds from my stomach at times. Now my stools often look like powder form, sometimes as tiny pieces, and sometimes watery, and rarely do I get to see healthy small banana-shaped turds. I have to go to the loo, at least four to five times a day, which is disturbing. All these years, I have never had any stomach pain, nausea, weight loss, or blood in my stools. By the way, I gained weight. I searched on the internet that irritable bowel disease (IBS) and chron's disease are always associated with stomach pain. So what could be my problem? I have never had any stool culture or any other tests. Somehow, I have been managing this till today. Also, I have a runny nose due to allergies quite often from my teenage. But nowadays I am finding it difficult.

Please help.

Thank you.

Answered by  Dr. Noushif. M


Welcome to

Your clinical history points towards constipation, which needs dietary modifications, medications, and complete evaluations if the condition is not resolving. You can avoid foods that induce constipation, for example, maize-based foods, bread, biscuits, and red meat. Consume a high-fiber diet and keep yourself well hydrated. I advise you to consult your specialist doctor, talk to them, and take medications with their consent.

  1. Take Cremaffin syrup (Liquid Paraffin, and Milk of Magnesia) 20 to 30 ml once daily before bed.
  2. Watch for a week with medical measures and dietary modifications. If symptoms are not improving, we may consider an evaluation with a colonoscopy.

I hope your queries are answered. Please revert if you have any further queries.

Thank you.

Patient's Query
Ok doctor. I will watch for a week with your suggestions.

But Doctor if i am having 4-5 episodes of loose stools per day is it consider as constipation? I thought it is diarrhoea
Answered by  Dr. Noushif. M
# Its more of incomplete evacuation. Thats why we have planned for a colonoscopy if symptoms unresolving

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