Why am I having infection after a month of getting treated for yeast infection?
Possible causes of symptoms in 3 mins

Q. Why am I having infection after a month of getting treated for yeast infection?

Answered by  
Dr. Tara Devi
and medically reviewed by   iCliniq medical review  team.


Professional Bio:

Dr. Tara Devi is an Obstetrician and a Gynecologist. She is an expert Childbirth Educator, Dietician, Infertility specialist, Lactation Counselor, Plastic surgeon – reconstructive and cosmetic, P... 

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This is a premium question & answer published on Jul 22, 2018 and last reviewed on: Jul 31, 2023
Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have been treated with for a yeast infection and given antibiotics last month end and then last week had another infection (milky like discharge no smell). Is it advisable to wait for one month to be seen by my gynecologist or go to an urgent care right away?

Answered by  Dr. Tara Devi


Welcome to icliniq.com.

If you had a yeast infection, you would have been treated with antifungals and not antibiotics. As you have a recurrence after being cured with the first treatment, you should be examined to see if it is similar or different infection now and treated accordingly. It could be due to vulvovaginal candidiasis or urinary tract infection.

1.You should get urine routine and microscopy test with midstream sample to see if you have associated urinary tract infection.

2.You may require a pap smear.

3.Fasting and postprandial blood sugars.

Treatment plan would be

1. Capsule Clotrimazole vaginal pessary at night daily for one week.

2.Syrup Citralka one teaspoon with one glass of water thrice daily for one week.

3. Control sugars if you are diabetic. Drink plenty of water and keep your private parts dry.

Take care.

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